
Your Contact Details

Your email
The email address where you want us to deliver your app within 72 hours of your order.

Desired Platform(s)

For which operating system should we provide your app? For iOS, you will get native Xcode source code.
For Android, you will get native Android Studio source code, a signed APK, a signed AAB file, and your Keystore including the Keystore password.

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New subtotal: 579$

Optional App Submission Service

We will deliver your app to your email address within 72 hours. In addition, we offer a low-cost and reliable optional App Submission Service where you get individual 1:1 help with signing, uploading, and publishing the app (own developer account(s) required, see Terms & Conditions). Support is provided via a personal video call through Zoom; we will provide a personal link to select an appointment. Would you like to add this service?

Desired App Settings

Here you can set the basics of your app. Think about your app like a full-screen browser loading your web app (WebView URL). Everything will work and look like your web app/website.
All the changes you have made to your website will be applied to your app immediately.

App Name
The name of your future app, which will be displayed on the home screen / in the app gallery of your users.
WebView URL
Your full WebView URL (e.g., "example.org/app.html") which should be loaded in the WebView.
Set to true to use local "local-www/index.html" HTML file instead of the remote WebView URL (please make sure to upload your HTML files here)

Advanced App Settings

We love simplicity, but we also love unlimited possibilities. Below you can further customize and pimp your app.
Oh, by the way, you can change these settings in the source code at any time - so please don't get overwhelmed by all the possibilities!

Upload an icon file
Set to true if you want to display the Splash Screen until your page was loaded successfully.
Upload a splash screen file Icon.
Set to true if you want to display the Splash Screen until your page was loaded successfully. Otherwise, a loading spinner will be displayed after a few seconds until the page is fully loaded.
Splash Timeoutmilliseconds
Set the splash screen timeout in milliseconds.
Splash Image Scale%
Set the splash screen image size with respect to device smallest width/height; range in percentage [0-100]; Caution: value = 0 will hide the image completely.

Set a background color for the splash screen.
Set to true to enable the bottombar to prevent the home bar (found in iOS devices with no home button, eg. iPhone X) from overlapping app content.
Set to true to ALSO enable the bottombar on iPads (which have bigger screens, so the home bar may not overlap content due to a different layout, hence the bottombar may not be needed).

Define a custom bottom bar background color.

Define a custom bottom bar background color while user is using iOS Dark Mode; requires iOS 13 or higher.
Set to true to enhance the Status Bar size.
Status Bar Dark/Light Mode; Set to true for dark status bar text; use it in combination with 'colorPrimaryDark' in style.xml.

Set the background color of the iOS status bar. Hiding the status bar is not that good anymore in terms of Apple GUI guidelines in combination with web content, so it's not the default option in WebViewGold and would require some further modification. The best choice would be to use the included WebViewGold features for styling the background and text color of the status bar (e.g., the same color as the web app header).

Status Bar Dark/Light Mode; Set to true for dark status bar text; use it in combination with 'colorPrimaryDark' in style.xml.
Set the text color of the iOS status bar.
Set the text color of the iOS status bar while the user is in iOS Dark Mode
Set to false to hide the loading sign while loading your URL.

Set a color for the loading sign indicator.
Set to true to remove WKWebView bounce animation (recommended for most cases).
Set to true to remove WKWebView 3D touch Link Preview/callout window for links (recommended for most cases).
Ok Button Text
Set the text label of the "OK" buttons. Multi-language apps: If you wish, you may provide this text string in up to three languages of your choice. You can do this by utilizing the Notes section found at the end of this order form. Alternatively, you can send it via email at a later time.
Set to true to hide the vertical scrollbar.
Set to true to hide the horizontal scrollbar.
Set any CSS classes to inject them into the HTML rendered by the WebView. Leave empty to not inject custom CSS into your webpage when accessed in WebView.
User-Agent Android
Allows your server/website to identify visitors accessing through the app. Define a customized User-Agent for web requests on Android devices (or leave it empty to use the default Android User-Agent).
User-Agent iPhone
Allows your server/website to identify visitors accessing through the app. Define a customized User-Agent on iPhone (or leave it empty to use the default iOS User-Agent).
User-Agent iPad
Allows your server/website to identify visitors accessing through the app. Define a customized User-Agent on iPad (or leave it empty to use the default iOS User-Agent).
Offline Title
Set the title of the Offline dialog. Multi-language apps: If you wish, you may provide this text string in up to three languages of your choice. You can do this by utilizing the Notes section found at the end of this order form. Alternatively, you can send it via email at a later time.
Offline Text
Set the text of the Offline dialog.  Multi-language apps: If you wish, you may provide this text string in up to three languages of your choice. You can do this by utilizing the Notes section found at the end of this order form. Alternatively, you can send it via email at a later time.
Text Label 1
Set the text label 1 of the Offline screen. Multi-language apps: If you wish, you may provide this text string in up to three languages of your choice. You can do this by utilizing the Notes section found at the end of this order form. Alternatively, you can send it via email at a later time.
Text Label 2
Set the text label 2 of the Offline screen. Multi-language apps: If you wish, you may provide this text string in up to three languages of your choice. You can do this by utilizing the Notes section found at the end of this order form. Alternatively, you can send it via email at a later time.
Offline Button Text
Set the text label of the Try again button. Multi-language apps: If you wish, you may provide this text string in up to three languages of your choice. You can do this by utilizing the Notes section found at the end of this order form. Alternatively, you can send it via email at a later time.
Set to true if you want to use the "local-html" folder if the user is offline, and use the remote URL if the user is online.
Set to true to download a .zip archive from a remote URL that should be extracted and presented if the user is offline (also, please turn the variable turnofflinelocalhtmlswitch to true); the update will take place with every full restart of the app
ZIP File Remote URL
The. zip archive from a remote URL that should be extracted and presented if the user is offline
ZIP File Name
The internal file name of the .zip file on the user device (recommended to not change)
ZIP File Extract Path
The internal folder name of the extract path on the user device (recommended to not change)
ZIP File Extract Index
The file that should be opened first within the extracted .zip archive folder
ZIP File Popup Title
The title of the popup that will be displayed while downloading the .zip file. Multi-language apps: If you wish, you may provide this text string in up to three languages of your choice. You can do this by utilizing the Notes section found at the end of this order form. Alternatively, you can send it via email at a later time.
ZIP File Popup Message
The message of the popup that will be displayed while downloading the .zip file. Multi-language apps: If you wish, you may provide this text string in up to three languages of your choice. You can do this by utilizing the Notes section found at the end of this order form. Alternatively, you can send it via email at a later time.
Set to true if you want to extend URL request by the system language like ?webview_language=LANGUAGE CODE (e.g., ?webview_language=EN for English users).
Set to true to activate swipe left and swipe right movements for triggering backward and forward page navigation.
Set to true to enable pull to refresh in your app. If you like, we offer the option to personalize the loading spinner and background colors according to your preference (please specify your desired colors in the 'Notes' section).
Set to true to block all content delivered via HTTP instead of HTTPS.
Set to true if you want to block content signed with self-signed SSL (user) certificates & faulty SSL certificates.
Set to true to clear the WebView cache & cookies on each app startup.
Set to true to clear WebView cache & cookies upon full app exit (if you rely on this, you might also want to activate the option above, as device & OS version differences could affect reliability)
Set to true to prevent the device from going into sleep while the app is active.
Set to true to close the app by pressing the hardware back button (instead of going back to the last page).
Set to true to close the app by pressing the hardware back button if the user is on the home page (which does not allow going to a prior page).
AdMob App ID
Insert your AdMob App ID.
AdMob Banner ID
Insert your AdMob ID for banner ads.
AdMob Interstitial ID
Insert your AdMob ID for interstitial ads.
Set to true if you want to show AdMob banner ads.
Set to true if you want to show AdMob interstitial ads after X website clicks.
Show Ad Afterwebsite clicks
Define number X to show an AdMob interstitial ads after each X (e.g., 10) website clicks.
Allow normal URL clicks to increment SHOW_AD_AFTER_X
Set to true to activate Facebook Interstitial Ads.
Facebook Ads ID
Enter your Placement ID, available when you create a property on Facebook Monetization manager, and connect an iOS app. The ID will look like this: 3937960198956424_3969441893142587.
Facebook Banner Ads ID
Enter your Placement ID, available when you create a property on Facebook Monetization manager, and connect an iOS app. The ID will look like this: 3937960198956424_3969441893142587.
Facebook Interstitial Ads ID
Enter your Placement ID, available when you create a property on Facebook Monetization manager, and connect an iOS app. The ID will look like this: 3937960198956424_3969441893142587.
Use timed ads for Facebook Ads (e.g., every 60s) as opposed to ads every X clicks.
Show Facebook Ads everyseconds
Define number X to show an FaceBook interstitial ads after each X (e.g., 10) website clicks.
Set to true to ask your users for push notifications permission at the first run of your application. Set it to "false" to never ask or to ask with a registerpush:// link/button/redirection in your web app later.
Set to false if you do NOT require location services/GPS coordinates.
Set to false if you do NOT require APIs related to downloads or uploads.
Set to false if you do NOT require APIs related to camera images / camera videos.
Set to false if you do NOT require APIs related to recording audio.
Define how to open external links (not on your own domain).
Set to true to open links with attributes (_blank, _self) in new a tab by default.
Set to true to enable deep-linking.
Safari Whitelist
Add domains here that should always be opened in Safari, regardless of what the openallexternalurlsinsafaribydefault option is set to; to add another domain, insert another host like so: ["alwaysopeninsafari.com", "google.com", "m.facebook.com"] please enter the host exactly how you link to it (with or without www, but always without http/https).
Safari Blacklist
Add domains here that should never be opened in Safari, regardless of what the openallexternalurlsinsafaribydefault option is set to; to add another domain, insert another host like so: ["alwaysopeninsafari.com", "google.com", "m.facebook.com"] please enter the host exactly how you link to it (with or without www, but always without http/https).
Set to 0 to open QR Code links in your own main window; set to 1 to open the links in a new popup; set to 2 to open QR Code links in Safari.
Set to true to register an iOS-wide URL scheme (like WebViewGold://) to open links in WebView app from other apps; example format: WebViewGold://url?link=https://www.google.com (would open google.com in WebView app).
IAP Identifier
Set the Default App Identifier in order to activate In-App Purchase API for the default IAP product (details can be configured in App Store Connect).
IAP Shared Secret
Set the App Secret in order to activate In-App Purchase API (details can be configured in App Store Connect).
IAP Success URL
Set the Default URL that should be opened after a successful In-App Purchase/In-App Subscription through the WebView wrapper. The URL could be "https://www.example.org/thanks.php," for example, and thanks.php could set the lifetime cookie for premium content.
IAP Expired URL
Set the Default URL that should be opened after an In-App Subscription through the WebView wrapper expired. The URL could be "https://www.example.org/expired.php," for example, and expired.php could remove the cookie for premium content.
Downloader Extension Array 
Add the file formats that should trigger the file downloader functionality (e.g., .pdf, .docx, ...).
Set to "false" to prevent the "Download images" pop-up box from appearing when long-pressing on an image.
Image Download Text
Set the title label of the "Image saved to your photo gallery" dialog box. Multi-language apps: If you wish, you may provide this text string in up to three languages of your choice. You can do this by utilizing the Notes section found at the end of this order form. Alternatively, you can send it via email at a later time.
Image not Found Text
Set the title label of the "Image was not found" dialog box. Multi-language apps: If you wish, you may provide this text string in up to three languages of your choice. You can do this by utilizing the Notes section found at the end of this order form. Alternatively, you can send it via email at a later time.
Set to true to activate the "First run" dialog.
First Run Message Title
Set the title of the "First Run" dialog. Multi-language apps: If you wish, you may provide this text string in up to three languages of your choice. You can do this by utilizing the Notes section found at the end of this order form. Alternatively, you can send it via email at a later time.
First Run Message
Set the text of the "First Run" dialog. Multi-language apps: If you wish, you may provide this text string in up to three languages of your choice. You can do this by utilizing the Notes section found at the end of this order form. Alternatively, you can send it via email at a later time.
Set to true to activate the "Rate this app on App Store" dialog.
Rate Title
Set the title of the "Rate" dialog. This will be applied only to Android, iOS uses a standard title of the App Store. Multi-language apps: If you wish, you may provide this text string in up to three languages of your choice. You can do this by utilizing the Notes section found at the end of this order form. Alternatively, you can send it via email at a later time.
Rate Message
Set the text of the "Rate" dialog. This will be applied only to Android, iOS uses a standard text of the App Store. Multi-language apps: If you wish, you may provide this text string in up to three languages of your choice. You can do this by utilizing the Notes section found at the end of this order form. Alternatively, you can send it via email at a later time.
Rate Button Caption
Set the button caption of the "Rate" button. This will be applied only to Android, iOS uses a standard button caption of the App Store. Multi-language apps: If you wish, you may provide this text string in up to three languages of your choice. You can do this by utilizing the Notes section found at the end of this order form. Alternatively, you can send it via email at a later time.
Prompt afterDays
Set the minimum number of days to be passed after the application is installed before the "Rate this app" dialog is displayed. This will be applied only to Android.
Prompt afterLaunches
Set the minimum number of application launches before the "Rate this app" dialog is displayed. This will be applied only to Android.
Set to true to activate the "Follow on Facebook" dialog.
Follow on Facebook Dialog Title
Set the title of the "Follow on Facebook" dialog. Multi-language apps: If you wish, you may provide this text string in up to three languages of your choice. You can do this by utilizing the Notes section found at the end of this order form. Alternatively, you can send it via email at a later time.
Follow on Facebook Dialog Text
Set the text of the "Follow on Facebook" dialog. Multi-language apps: If you wish, you may provide this text string in up to three languages of your choice. You can do this by utilizing the Notes section found at the end of this order form. Alternatively, you can send it via email at a later time.
Follow on Facebook Friends Yes Caption
Set the caption of the "Yes" button of the "Follow on Facebook" dialog. Multi-language apps: If you wish, you may provide this text string in up to three languages of your choice. You can do this by utilizing the Notes section found at the end of this order form. Alternatively, you can send it via email at a later time.
Follow on Facebook Friends No Caption
Set the caption of the "No" button of the "Follow on Facebook" dialog. Multi-language apps: If you wish, you may provide this text string in up to three languages of your choice. You can do this by utilizing the Notes section found at the end of this order form. Alternatively, you can send it via email at a later time.
Follow on Facebook URL
Set the URL of your Facebook / Instagram / ... fan page (e.g., https://facebook.com/OnlineAppCreator/").
Prompt afterDays
Set the minimum number of days to be passed after the application is installed before the "Follow on Facebook" dialog is displayed. This will be applied only to Android.
Prompt afterLaunches
Set the minimum number of application launches before the Follow on Facebook dialog is displayed. This will be applied only to Android.
OneSignal App ID
Required for OneSignal push functionality. How to find it
Set to true to open the notification deep linking URLs in the system browser instead of your app.
Set to true to activate the OneSignal push functionality.
Set to true if you want to extend WebView Main URL requests by ?onesignal_push_id=XYZ.
Set to true if WebView should be reloaded after receiving the UserID from OneSignal.
Set to true to open deeplinking URLs from OneSignal in the Safari browser instead of the main WebView; Important: For sending notifications with a link from OneSignal, do NOT use 'Launch URL' instead, you must use an 'Additional Data Field', with key: url and value: the link you want to use. See WebViewGold documentation for more information.
Upload GoogleService-Info.plist file from Firebase.
Upload google-services.json file from Firebase.
Firebase Channel Topic

Set to true to connect your app to the Firebase Push Services.
Set to true if you want to extend WebView Main URL requests by ?firebase_push_id=XYZ.

No worries: You can change all these settings in the source code at any time - so please don't get overwhelmed by all the possibilities!

Language of your dedicated App Specialist

We recognize the importance of clear and effective communication in your preferred language. Therefore, we are excited to offer language-specific App Specialists.
This option ensures that you receive personalized assistance in the language you are most comfortable with.

Do you have anything else you'd like to tell us?


ISO-9001 Certified Company

Designed and coded with lots of love and coffee in Germany, European Union. Made for everyone and made with 100% renewable energy. #MakeLoveNotWar
All prices displayed are in US dollars and exclude value-added taxes.
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